Monday, November 14, 2011

"Compress" Photo Reflection

How does "HOW" you take the photo add to the meaning of the word?  (Try shooting your letters at an ants view (get low), as well as from above. Also, how does where you place the letters effect the meaning?

In our first location, we placed the letters directly side by side in between two pillars in order to make the word look as if it is being compressed together by these two pillars of the entryway.  We took the shot at an angle in order to enhance the compressed look of the letters and to elongate the space that the letters were in.  

In our second location, we set the letters in between two pillars once again.  Instead of taking the photo from an angle in the last photo, we shot the photo straight on in order to fully see the size and placement of each individual letter.  When we composed the letters, we stacked them slightly on top of each other towards the right side in order to make the letters look like they had no room to fit in between the pillars in order to enhance the intense compression our team wanted to convey.

For another location, we once again stacked the letters in between two pillars.  This time, the letters did not look like they were compressed horizontally, but compressed vertically.  We took this photo from various shots this time, because this was the favorite location we used for our walk around tours.  The way we took this shot is straight on in order to fully view all of the letters on top of each other.  The start of the word is on top and the end of the word is on the bottom, in order to re-emphasize the expression of something being compressed.  Also enhancing this photo are the pillars on the sides of the letters.  Out of all of our locations, our team thought that this one was definitely the most successful.   
This shot here was taken from behind, seated on the ground.  The photo here shows the whole entity of the space that the letters are being compressed in and displays the letters in a more interesting composition than just the frontal view.  The light entering in between the dark letters creates a beautiful artwork in this shot.
Next, we decided to take a shot of the letters from a far away distance in order to display the whole composition of the location that we placed the letters in.  Through this, we were able to not only see the whole word being "compressed" in its location, but also we were able to capture the view of how an average on-looker would perceive our word.

Finally, this shot also was taken from an "on-looker's" perspective.  This was from the inside of Budig hall in order to once again show the creativity and average viewpoint of the location.  This shot shows how someone would see the letters when they walk outside of the building.

Our tree shot was taken in frontal view in order to capture both of the trees compressing the letters together.  We also took this shot from the ground in order to see the tops and bottoms of the trees, and also to create a composition showing the horizon line of the sky in the background.  We placed the letters on top of each other to once again create the "compressed" feeling of the letters within the two trunks of the trees. 

The picture taken was also one of our favorites.  If it was possible, our team definitely would have chosen this location for our walk around tours.   Here, we stacked the letters on top of each other between two cars in order to further compress and squeeze them.  We wanted to show the small and tight spaces that cars sometimes leave in between each other through placing the letters within the front of a car and the back of a car.  This shot was taken straight on as well with the bits of car on the left and the right sides of the word in order to showcase the small space we fit the letters in.  

This next shot was taken with the letters "compressed" against the fence right outside of the design building.  We turned the letters around backwards in order to show the backs of the letters and how the fronts are pressed against the metal.  We took the shot from a diagonal in order to create an interesting composition and to show the interesting angles of the shadows, the letters, and the entity of the fence.

Lastly, our final location is the balcony behind the art and design building.  We decided to place our letters side by side in order to show how the "com" compresses into the "press".  The "press" is turned backwards in order to emphasize this conversion, and the arrangement of the letters into the corner of the bars creates a density and a true sense of compression.  The actual shot of the photo is taken in front of the corner straight on so the viewer is able to capture the whole effect.

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