Sunday, October 2, 2011

Visual Writing Handout

            Through visual writing and mind maps, people are able to organize their ideas and are able to spontaneously brainstorm new innovations.  Mind maps help to create new pathways and new ideas.  There are a couple types of mind maps: one is a handwritten, quick map through sticky notes or a large piece of paper, and the other is through a software program.  To create a mind map, you can start with the central word, circle it, and then continue branching words from it.  One main importance is to not question the brainstorming until the map has been completed, and it is important to not worry about diverging from the original subject, because it can greatly help to lead to new ideas.  Arrows, lines, images, and shapes can also be added onto the mind map.  After creating the map, it is good to take a step back, ask questions about the work, and try to find patterns that emerge within the word bubbles.  Not only do mind maps aid the brainstorming process, but also word lists.  These concept ideas are generation for new creative processes, and are the associative ways that our brains generate these new ideas. 

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